Montag, 23. Juni 2008

FINALLY... Flight to Quito

After a few trials and tribulations due to credit cards, inept travel agents etc, it seems (!) I'll finally be able to get out to Ecuador on the (relatively) cheap on Friday. Thing is, there are lots of flights, if you're willing to travel 15 to 20 hours... but I´m sure as hell not going to spend 10 hours of my life pent up in an airport in Santiago or Bogota watching the world go by! I'm arrogant like that...

So Friday it is, much cheaper than the 2000 USD suggested by one travel agency AND leaving & arriving at a decent time!

In case you're wondering: I've plans to visit Colonia (possibly AND/OR Montevideo) in Uruguay for a day trip in the meantime.

Other than that, the Recoleta cemetery was very impressive, the meat at "El Desnivel" restaurant was very good (thank you for that suggestion, Marie), the wine was (and is), an incredible deal and the weather and people out-compete each other in friendliness. One of the big things I've yet to try is the chocolate volcano!

Again, one of the biggest problems I have is getting pictures downloaded from the camera, so please be patient while I buy a USB card reader that should be easier to handle for internet cafes.

1 Kommentar:

Marie1107 hat gesagt…

El desnivel.... hmm just the memories of that meat make my mouth water! Ohh and send me a picture of the chocolate volcano.... YUMMMMMM!!!

PS: If you find any wine that's better than the Escorihuela pls feel free to send me some for my Birthday ; )
