Rage is apparently transmissible through badly washed fruit and... can't read the rest. Pity, might have brought us one step closer to world peace.
Heading off into the ravines and tunnels cut into the Valle de la Luna near San Pedro, we were surprised by the stark features and wind whipping across the place.
I does look just like a lunar landscape.
Sand blown all over the place by gusts of wind was a minor nuisance at first, mostly notable for the pretty contours it created in the sand.
...however the headwind and sandblasting took their toll on us, even on Nicholas, who had biked most of the way from Lima via Uyuni. My lungs felt like they were being filled with liquid after some of the hills we ascended.
This was covered almost completely within 30 seconds by sand blowing over.
The sky was forbiddingly dark behind us, but we decided to head back down toward San Pedro anyway, for fear of being caught in something more uncomfortable than the odd sandblast.
Other people were heading in the opposite direction, straight into the wind. It felt good to get out of there, I must tell you!
Nicholas waiting patiently for me to snap away at the spectacular scenery.
And just for once, I'm in some of the spectacular scenery. Mind the shorts; I had my calves sandblasted for cleaner skin that day.
Evening brought a long-awaited fogata in my familiar little hostel. Lovely people, nice wine, excellent dead cows!
There's a story to this I can't even begin to write about on this blog. So go on, ask me for details while you're buying me a beer once I'm back!
Overall judgement on San Pedro: expensive, a bloody nuisance to get cash in, stormy and sandy in autumn but very worthwhile for all the sights all around. Oh, and the people make for a startling but nice change from Bolivia... once you've gotten used to the touristy side of things!
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