Pretty cheesy, isn't it? What you can't see here are the swarms of mozzies that awoke around dusk...

So the end of the second day at Serere tailed off with a canoe ride over the lake and into the reed on the opposite side of the main house.

Long-legged little bastards moved so fast in the fading light that this was the best I could do. Plus they kept up a constant stream of inane laughter, much of which I think was directed at us.

The colours were amazing! Changing from yellowish to red and purple - all the ingredients needed for a typically kitsch picture.

Rosa Maria accompanied Rodolfo and I on to the lake and while I kept a lookout with my camera, the two of them exchanged stories about animals, plants and life in the jungle. It seems they were so into their stories that Rodolfo got his oar stuck in the muck and reeds and had to frantically paddle back using the piece of wood he was sitting on.

Waiting for dinner do arrive as if by magic. There are very few times over the course of the last two months that I've eaten as much as in the course of these three days, yet my belt had to have another hole punched through it just a few days later... go figure!
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